Low battery? Make sure your Bodyguard is charged and nearby.
Device malfunction? Check that the device is blinking with a green light. If not, first try to connect it to the power with the charger. If the device works when you connect it power (the green light is blinking) but not when it’s disconnected from power, the device has an internal fault and needs to be replaced.
Device is connected to another phone? If you have previously connected this device to any other phone, please make sure to remove your device from the Bluetooth settings on the previous phone. You can also turn the other phone's Bluetooth off. The device can only be connected to one single phone at a time.
Try again multiple times. The app scans for the device for 15 seconds at a time. It is possible, though unexpected, that the device didn't advertise itself at the right time. In that case trying again will resolve the problem.
Restart your phone. If the actions above are not helping, it might be that the Bluetooth connection of the phone is stuck. Close your mobile phone entirely for 30 seconds and restart your phone. Once your phone has been restarted, try to pair the device again.
If you need any further help with this, don't hesitate to contact Firstbeat Support.
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